For the past three weeks of this new year/new decade, I’ve been reflecting on what has been, what is & what’s to come.
I’m grateful for God’s grace keeping me, in spite of the downs, hurts, missteps, struggles & losses. And truth be told, there have been more ups, joys, right moves, triumphs & wins. Each moment shaped me to be who I am, gave me new perspective & made me stronger and wiser.
I’m committed to being better today than I was yesterday & faithful in the positions God has called me to right now. I want to master each season of life so I’ll be ready to move into the next one when He says it’s time.
I’ve decided not to worry about the future because I know my time is in His hands. It’s not over until He says it’s over. All of my days, beginning to end, have been orchestrated by Him, and I wholeheartedly trust His plan because He makes no mistakes.
From this decade on, I’m dedicated to finding peace & joy in taking life one moment, one step at a time. I will not harp on things I can’t control. I will learn more, create more, dance more, laugh more & continue to be thankful in all things!
And I’m going to keep praying for you too as you gain fresh perspective for your life’s journey & press forward in your purpose!

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