
  • of or pertaining to a king; royal
  • befitting or resembling a king
  • stately; splendid



  • inner man, mind, will, understanding
  • soul (of man)
  • inclination, resolution, determination (of will); conscience, heart (of moral character)
  • seat of appetites, emotions, passions, and courage

(Source: Blue Letter Bible Lexicon Strong’s H3820)

My Dear Sister and Fellow Heiress,

God, the King over all the earth, is calling you to a deeper understanding of your royal position in His Kingdom. He made you uniquely in His image, which means you have His spiritual DNA (Genesis 1:26-27). Consequently, there is great potential within you. The person you are now and are to become is highly impacted by your level of connection with God and the condition of your spiritual heart. Your heart mirrors what is really going on inside of you. It is the starting place for your thoughts, emotions, motives, and actions. Only God can reveal what is in your heart (Daniel 2:30). He desires to help you overcome obstacles that challenge your heart as well as your potential, girlhood, womanhood, identity, worth, faith, and destiny. He wants to bring your life into order, and it starts with your heart!

Regal Heart is a call to fearlessly abandon the expectations, pressures, opinions, and countless enticements of popular culture and in turn pursue the heart of God, His Word, His character, and His purpose for your life.

All God asks is for you to turn to Him, and let Him be King over all your heart. This surrender leads you to discover the pure beauty of your heart that is only revealed when it reflects the image of God, Your King.

As you enter into His presence, may the doors of your heart open wide to let God take His sovereign place on its throne!

The time is now Beloved Princess. Your Majesty awaits.

From the heart,
Hope N. Jones


“I offer you my heart, [Lord] God.”
Psalm 25:1 CEV